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An Alternative to Co-parenting


Divorce is an event that may negatively impact Texas families. Some parents find themselves unable to speak without getting into an altercation. In this environment, how can they effectively co-parent their children?

The team at Woodley & Dudley is here to provide insight into viable timesharing and custody models to help make post-divorce life less traumatic on the children. When it comes to working together with an ex who works against you, it may come down to adopting a parallel parenting style.

The traditional co-parenting model

High tensions and hard feelings may make dealing with each other difficult for ex-spouses. When following a co-parenting model, the parents should work together, communicate and agree to keep specific rules and routines consistent between the two houses. Neither parent makes decisions for the children without consulting with the other and reaching an agreement.

Parallel parenting

Parallel parenting may establish fundamental rules for each household, but it does not contemplate the parties keeping in contact or agreeing on every decision. It is a way for parents to disengage from each other while still maintaining a stable and loving environment for the children. Some standard practices during this type of arrangement include:

  • Communication through email or a neutral third-party
  • Each parent is free to establish their own way of doing things
  • Timesharing exchanges occur at a neutral location like a school
  • The parent with the children makes any day-to-day decisions
  • Utilizing an online calendar to keep scheduling transparent

Minimizing the interaction between parents and addressing timesharing more like a business arrangement may reduce stress all around.

You want what is best for your children, and if disengaging from the other parent works, then consider a parallel option. Visit our webpage for more information on divorce and custody.
